Consumer Protection and Competition

The German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (DSIK) is actively committed to consumer protection and fair competition in Uzbekistan, both of which are essential for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Transparent and fair market structures create an environment where individuals and businesses – particularly in developing and emerging economies – can thrive.


Our Commitment

Aligned with our mission to promote financial inclusion and reduce poverty, we actively support initiatives that empower consumers and foster competitive markets. Access to fair financial services and protection from exploitative practices are crucial, especially in rural areas, to improve livelihoods and ensure long-term economic stability.

Our Key Focus Areas

Our work in consumer protection and competition focuses on three core areas:

  • Capacity Building: We provide international experts and technical assistance to strengthen governmental institutions such as the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. By sharing best practices and innovative approaches, we help optimize regulatory frameworks and enforcement mechanisms.
  • Financial Literacy: Through seminars and workshops, we equip young people and communities with essential knowledge and practical skills to make informed financial decisions, understand their consumer rights, and navigate competitive markets confidently.
  • International Collaboration: We actively promote partnerships and knowledge exchange with global organizations such as the European Commission DG Competition. These collaborations enable specialists from developing and emerging economies to gain direct access to European best practices and integrate them into their local systems.

Our Impact

One of our key achievements is the close cooperation between the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European Commission DG Competition. This partnership grants Uzbek specialists access to European expertise, strengthening the country’s institutional framework for competition and consumer protection policies in the long term.

German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation
Regional Office Uzbekistan:
Afrosiyob Street 6

Mirabad District

100015 Tashkent


Phone: +998 71 252 77 76

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